DIY SEO for Small Business
For many small companies that are just starting out, they simply cannot afford professional search engine optimization (SEO) services yet. If you are one of these companies, you are probably a 1-person team managing your sales, marketing, finances, and operation. It could take a lot of patience to find your website listed on the first page of Google search engine results, but it can be done. Here are some DIY SEO tips that you can follow to to get started on your SEO.
The Do-It-Yourself SEO Checklist:
- Start networking with other companies in the same industry and ask for reciprocal links.
- Get your company listed in industry specific directories.
- Get listed on high ranking sites like government and schools by trying to offer something in return like a useful article(s).
- Create subject matter expert blogs and articles outside of your site like Facebook and Twitter and link them to your website.
- Build satellite sites that are specific to one subject and put specific information about that subject in that site. Link that site to your main site.
- Build satellite sites with keyword-heavy domain names related to the keywords you want to target.
- Create a YouTube channel and publish subject matter expert videos.
There are many more techniques that you can do on your own by searching for ‘SEO tips’ on Google. Don’t forget to monitor your progress by subscribing to Google Analytics. Have no fear. Doing something about SEO is better than not doing anything at all.